For Christmas:
Finch Fuel Oil Company would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!
The office will be closed on Saturday, Sunday and Monday December 23rd to December 25th for the Christmas Holiday. We will be back in the office Tuesday December 26th our regular hours 8-5pm. If you need to place an order you can order on our website at In case of an emergency please contact us at the office at 201-991-2370. Our answering service is available 24/7.
For New Years:
Finch Fuel Oil Company would like to wish everyone a Safe and Happy New Year!!
he office will be closed on Saturday, Sunday and Monday December 30th to January 1st for the New Year. We will be back in the office Tuesday January 2nd our regular hours 8-5pm. If you need to place an order you can order on our website at In case of an emergency please contact us at the office at 201-991-2370. Our answering service is available 24/7.

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